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Saturday, March 20, 2010

7 Ways To Build Trust In Your Relationship

There are 7 solid ways to build trust in a relationship; these are the things you should devout your time into and not wandering around. These 7 ways gives assurance on improving the level of trust.

1.) Be Predictable and Consistent in a Relationship. Avoid being erratic! Going on shopping trips, giving surprise gifts and the likes of that can be nice but it is not the main issue. Above all, being reliable on a daily basis should be considered the basic work to be done.

2.) Do not be contradictory in any manner, your word must go along with your message. That is your partner must hear the words which is in tune with your body language (being happy with putting on a frowned face does not correspond). You build trust in a relationship when your words follows your body language i.e. when both matches.

3.) Competency is a fundamental and basic belief in partnership and it is required. If you do not agree that your partner is competent at some area that relationship cannot stand on trust. So if you do, you would have the trust in a relationship that you need.

4.) Let your partner know your secrets. Do not keep secrets because it can destroy the relationship when your partner later knows about it. Keeping secrets demand energy, so such energy should be diverted to erecting of trust in your relationship. So be honest and open.

5.) Let your partner know what you lack and that you are in need of. Let your partner know to avoid guessing. But do not be selfish.

6.) Say ‘NO’ when the need arises. When your partner has listed his/her needs, do not say yes to all. When you disagree to agree sometimes, it earns respect and such will actually build trust in a relationship.

7.) Be thirsty for growth at all times. For instance, you begin by digging the dirt which can be painful, before you plant a flower and such soil is also prepared for future growth. So also is building trust in a relationship.

It is bound to encounter a little pain or storm when you determine to work on trust in a relationship, but as time goes by you become stronger as an individual and also given strength to the relationship.

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