To manage diabetes, one should have proper information about diabetes and should follow a diet plan to control blood glucose level.
Diabetes Types
Type 1 Diabetes
In type 1 diabetes (Insulin dependent diabetes), also known as juvenile onset diabetes, patients depends on insulin. Some important points regarding type 1 diabetes are -
1. There is usually sudden onset.
2. This form occurs mainly in the younger age group.
3. There is an inability of the pancreas to produce adequate amount of insulin. This may be caused by virus or due to autoimmunity.
4. The child is usually underweight.
5. Acidosis is fairly common.
Type 2 Diabetes
In type 2 diabetes (Non-insulin dependent diabetes), also known as adult onset diabetes, patients do not depend on insulin. Some important points regarding type 2 diabetes are -
1. It develops slowly and usually milder and more stable.
2. This form occurs mainly in adults. Women who have had large babies are also prone to develop this type of diabetes later in life.
3. Insulin may be produced by pancreas but action is impaired.
4. The person is usually overweight.
5. Acidosis is infrequent.
6. The majority of patients improves with weight loss and is maintained on diet therapy.
Diabetes Diet Plan
1. Dietary calorie should be 60-70% from carbohydrates, 15-20% from protein and 15-25% from fat. The minimum amount of carbohydrates should be 100g to prevent ketosis.
2. Fat with high poly unsaturated fatty acids like vegetable oil is preferred (sunflower oil, gingelly oil, corn oil) than animal fat and hydro-generated fat which contain more saturated fatty acids. Fish and chicken are preferred than meat and egg.
3. Simple sugars should be restricted since they are easily absorbed and have a high glycaemic index.
4. Whole wheat is preferred to rice because it contains ‘Ascarbose’ which allow carbohydrate to be absorbed slowly.
5. Food exchange lists should be followed to prevent hypo and hyperglycaemia. The exchange systems should be followed to avoid monotony, dietary constancy and flexibility.
6. Sodium intake is to be no more than 6g daily. Sodium is restricted to 3g in hypertensive diabetic patients.
Diabetes Foods
Foods that can be eaten as much as one wants – Green leafy vegetables, fruits except banana, lemon; clear soups, onion, salads, mint, spices, plain coffee or tea, skimmed and butter milk
Foods that can be eaten in moderation – Fats, meat, egg, cereals and pulses
Foods to be avoided – Simple sugars (glucose, syrup, sweets and honey), dried fruits, cake, fried foods, candy, alcohol and nuts
Nutritional Requirements for Diabetics
Carbohydrates – High carbohydrate and high fiber diet improve insulin binding and increase in monocyte insulin receptor binding. High carbohydrate diet is likely to elevate serum triglyceride levels (endogenous cholesterol). Hence carbohydrate is maintained to about 50% of total calories. Most carbohydrates should be in form of polysaccharides such as bread, cereals, beans, etc. Rapidly absorbed mono and disaccharides such as sweets, chocolates and sweetened drink should be avoided.
Proteins – A diet high in protein is good for the health of diabetics because it supplies the essential amino acids needed for tissue repair. Protein does not raise blood sugar during absorption as do carbohydrates and it does not supply as much calories as fat.
In patients with NIDDM, consumption of protein along with carbohydrate will lower the blood glucose concentration due to amino acid stimulation of insulin secretion; this help to compensate for the defect in glucose mediated insulin secretion seen in so many of these patients. Protein also promotes satiety and helps both types of diabetic patients to adhere to the carbohydrate allowance.
Fats – Low fat diet increases insulin binding and also reduces LDL and VLDL levels and lowers the incidence of atherosclerosis which is more common in diabetics. Fat content in the diet should be 15-25% of total calories and higher in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Dietary Fiber – Diets high in carbohydrate and fiber improve glucose metabolism without increasing insulin secretion. They lower fasting serum and peripheral insulin concentrations in response to oral glucose administration in both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. Fenugreek seeds which contain high fiber are useful to diabetics.
Artificial Sweeteners - High content of sugar consumption is undesirable for diabetics and for obese individuals. Non-caloric and high intense sweeteners are available as sugar substitute. These sweeteners are as sweet as sucrose, have a pleasant taste, are colorless, odorless, readily soluble, stable, functional and economically feasible.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Finding Natural Treatments for Diabetes
Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness among adults in the United States. Thousands of people are blinded every year due to this disease. Hundreds of thousands of limb amputations have been done on patients to save their lives because of diabetes. And the majority of patients in hospitals that are waiting for liver transplants are in that terrible position because of diabetes. Diabetes, left untreated, can lead to impotency, nerve loss, hypertension, and many more serious diseases. So, it's no surprise that diabetes is considered one of the most lethal disease that we are living with today.
Usually when people are diagnosed with diabetes, their doctor prescribes one or more pharmaceutical drugs to help them control their disease. But many people are looking for natural diabetes cures as well. Here are a few that have been used through the centuries:
Bitter gourd - you can find this tropical plant in many health stores. It's also goes by the names bitter melon and kerela. It was originally grown in the soils of Southeast Asia, China, and Africa. Some health articles recommend taking one tablespoon of bitter gourd daily, on an empty stomach, to reduce your blood glucose levels. Alternatively, you can cook it and eat it as a vegetable along with your meal.
Cinnamon - this dried and ground bark has been used as a natural diabetes treatment for hundreds of years. People with diabetes have difficulty processing the glucose in their blood stream. In clinical trials, cinnamon appears to assist the body's fat cells in utilizing the glucose in the bloodstream which is why it appears to be so effective. Anything that helps the body to process glucose will be beneficial in normalizing blood glucose levels.
Chromium supplements - many wellness gurus conjecture that the soils that crops are grown in these days is seriously lacking in a lot of the trace elements that at one time naturally resided in the earth. One of these trace elements is chromium, which in some tests has shown to provide diabetes patients with substantial improvement from their diabetes symptoms. Chromium is believed to help the body produce insulin as well as to help the insulin already in the body to perform at a greater level of efficiency. As of today, however, there has been no government regulated trials to test the effectiveness of chromium on diabetes.
Kino - This medicinal herb has been used in Indian medicines for diabetes treatment for a long time as a treatment for diabetes.
Exercise - type 2 diabetes has become a real epidemic in this country. Many health experts lay the problem directly on the combination of them eating too much fast foods and lack of exercise. A theory, that many doctors subscribe to, is that too much body fat leads to diabetes in those that have a family history of diabetes. They believe that it is something about the excess fat that triggers the inability of the body to produce insulin or to use that insulin to process the foods they eat.
There's no doubt that tested pharmaceutical drugs are effective in treating diabetes. With natural herbs and supplements, however, there's usually no documented history of their effectiveness. Therefore, before taking any herbal treatment for diabetes, make sure you talk it over with your primary health care physician first.
Usually when people are diagnosed with diabetes, their doctor prescribes one or more pharmaceutical drugs to help them control their disease. But many people are looking for natural diabetes cures as well. Here are a few that have been used through the centuries:
Bitter gourd - you can find this tropical plant in many health stores. It's also goes by the names bitter melon and kerela. It was originally grown in the soils of Southeast Asia, China, and Africa. Some health articles recommend taking one tablespoon of bitter gourd daily, on an empty stomach, to reduce your blood glucose levels. Alternatively, you can cook it and eat it as a vegetable along with your meal.
Cinnamon - this dried and ground bark has been used as a natural diabetes treatment for hundreds of years. People with diabetes have difficulty processing the glucose in their blood stream. In clinical trials, cinnamon appears to assist the body's fat cells in utilizing the glucose in the bloodstream which is why it appears to be so effective. Anything that helps the body to process glucose will be beneficial in normalizing blood glucose levels.
Chromium supplements - many wellness gurus conjecture that the soils that crops are grown in these days is seriously lacking in a lot of the trace elements that at one time naturally resided in the earth. One of these trace elements is chromium, which in some tests has shown to provide diabetes patients with substantial improvement from their diabetes symptoms. Chromium is believed to help the body produce insulin as well as to help the insulin already in the body to perform at a greater level of efficiency. As of today, however, there has been no government regulated trials to test the effectiveness of chromium on diabetes.
Kino - This medicinal herb has been used in Indian medicines for diabetes treatment for a long time as a treatment for diabetes.
Exercise - type 2 diabetes has become a real epidemic in this country. Many health experts lay the problem directly on the combination of them eating too much fast foods and lack of exercise. A theory, that many doctors subscribe to, is that too much body fat leads to diabetes in those that have a family history of diabetes. They believe that it is something about the excess fat that triggers the inability of the body to produce insulin or to use that insulin to process the foods they eat.
There's no doubt that tested pharmaceutical drugs are effective in treating diabetes. With natural herbs and supplements, however, there's usually no documented history of their effectiveness. Therefore, before taking any herbal treatment for diabetes, make sure you talk it over with your primary health care physician first.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How to Use Presentation Slides as tool of Public Speaking
How often have you attended a presentation where great attention apparently went into designing the slides - and apparently none into how they were used? Or the speaker played with the slides as if to entertain rather than edify?
Such idiosyncratic presentation techniques have helped give rise to the calumnious phrase "death by PowerPoint". PowerPoint and other types of visual aids can significantly enhance a presentation if properly used. And significantly detract from it if improperly used.
It is normal for each person to have his or her individual style for using slides. Such individuality often adds to the effectiveness of the presentation; however excessive individuality damages clarity and comprehension, putting effectiveness at risk.
Fortunately, this problem can be easily resolved. By recognizing and applying three fundamental principles of slide presentations, you can make "death by PowerPoint" completely disappear.
Fundamental Principles of Slide Presentations
1. Use the slides; don't be controlled by them
It is important to recognize that slides are a visual aid. And the most important part of this term is "aid". Too many speakers seem to believe that if they show enough slides, their presentation will automatically be successful.
The opposite is true. No matter how good the slides, if they assume center stage, the presentation will almost certainly be less effective than it could be.
2. Show that you are in charge
Keep in mind that the greatest visual aid is YOU. People come to hear what you have to say because they believe that you have something important to impart to them. So they want to see you, hear your voice, and watch your facial expressions, and observe body movements in order to better understand and evaluate your ideas and information.
If you start your presentation by immediately turning off the lights, and keep them off until the presentation is finished, it is almost as if you are not there. It would be easier and more convenient for everyone just to send the audience the presentation as a videocassette or DVD for them to play at their leisure.
3. Present a "win-win" situation
To be truly effective, slides must:
• Help the speaker deliver a better presentation
• Help the audience better understand the presentation
It is not a question of either/or. The speaker and the audience must both benefit; otherwise, neither one will. This means that you must deliver a good presentation both in terms of content and slides.
It is generally a good idea to prepare the first draft of your presentation without any slides, then return to your text to see where slides are really needed. This will ensure that you do not drown the audience in slides - and that each slide is truly useful.
If you take these three fundamental principles fully on board, you are already well on your way to an effective presentation. Here are a few practical suggestions to make your inherently good presentation even better.
A. Use build-up slides
Let’s try an experiment. Open a newspaper or magazine to any page. Keep looking at it, but try not to read anything on the page. It is virtually impossible. The moment the eye is confronted with text, there is a natural urge to read it.
Putting too much text on a slide has the same effect. The speaker may expect the audience to pay attention only to the part of the text he is talking about and ignore the rest. In reality, while the speaker is talking about the text at the top, the audience will almost certainly be reading the text below.
The result is significant loss of attention. Since attention ensures better comprehension, using text-heavy slides is detrimental to speakers and listeners alike.
To maintain attention, introduce text gradually, not all at once.
In the days of 35 mm and overhead transparencies, this was achieved by using “build-up slides”. For example, instead of showing five bullet points on a single slide, the speaker prepared six sides. The first slide showed only the title; the rest of the screen was left empty. The next one showed the title plus bullet point 1; the rest of the screen was left empty. The next slide showed the title plus bullet points 1 and 2. The same was done for each succeeding slide. It was only on the last slide that the full text (general statement + bullet points) became visible.
Producing six slides was of course considerably more expensive than producing only one. But it was also considerably more effective.
You should use the same technique with computer-generated slides. There is essentially no additional cost. Moreover, you can use animation to highlight each new bullet point as it appears on the screen in order to reinforce its importance. For example:
Slide 1
Slide 2
• First bullet point
Slide 3
• First bullet point
• Second bullet point
Slide 4
• First bullet point
• Second bullet point
• Third bullet point
And so on.
Illustrated slides such as diagrams, flow charts, etc., work essentially the same way. Introduce the illustration piece by piece so that the audience will not be drawn to one part of the image while you are talking about another. There are three possible variations to this approach.
1. Introduce the illustration piece by piece, with commentary, until the illustration is complete
2. Show the full illustration to give an overview. Then re-introduce it piece by piece, with commentary, until it is complete.
3. Show the full illustration to give an overview. Then re-introduce it piece by piece, with commentary, until it is complete. However, occasionally revert to the overview to remind the audience of where the piece-by-piece build up is leading.
Read the Text to the Audience
Another common mistake is for the speaker to continue talking while the audience is reading. Once again, this results in significant loss of attention.
The remedy is quite simple. The speaker should read the slide aloud to the audience. This ensures that:
• The attention of the listeners is first focused totally on the text.
• Next, it is focused totally on the speaker.
If the speaker reads the slide aloud, the audience is not forced to do two things at the same time: reading the slide while trying to listening to the commentary. Attention is maintained, and everyone benefits.
B. Use your laser pointer correctly
My bĂȘte noire (black beast) is in fact red. It is the horrendous way many speakers use their laser pointers. Like old-fashioned stick pointers, lasers should be used to:
• Help the audience identify and better understand the importance of key words and phrases in text slides.
• Help the audience identify and better understand the importance of key elements in photos, drawings, diagrams, flow charts, and other illustrations.
Pointing is all that is necessary. Don’t keep circling key words or visual elements. Don’t keep swinging the laser beam back and forth across the screen. The eye will naturally follow these movements. Since they add nothing to the presentation, they subtract from it.
The best way to avoid making these damaging gestures is by using the pointer as name implies. Just point to identify the key word or element you want to talk about, then turn it off. When you want to point to something else, simply turn it on again.
C. Pace your slides
Slides support what the speaker is saying. Therefore, they should:
• Appear on the screen only when needed.
• Stay on the screen only as long as needed.
The first point is obvious. You don’t want to show a slide before you are ready to talk about it. And of course hardly anyone ever does this.
Immediately removing the slide from the screen when it is no longer needed apparently is less obvious. Many speakers leave a slide on the screen while they talk about something else just to have something there until they are ready for the next one. Worse, they create “filler slides” they don’t really need just to have something there.
Both tactics damage the presentation. As long as something is on the screen, the eye will be attracted to it. This significantly reduces attention on what the speaker is saying, and so hurt comprehension.
When you don’t really need a slide, don’t show one. Either leave the screen blank or project a soft background color until the next slide is needed. Don't project a logo or any other illustration, which can only serve as a distraction.
If it will be several minutes before the next slide, turn the lights up so the audience can see who is talking to them. Remember, you are the star of the show, not the slides.
Properly used, slides can significantly boost the interest and effectiveness of a presentation. Poorly used, they can significantly damage a presentation. It takes only slightly more effort to do it well than to do it poorly. You owe to yourself and your audience to make this minor investment for this major return.
Such idiosyncratic presentation techniques have helped give rise to the calumnious phrase "death by PowerPoint". PowerPoint and other types of visual aids can significantly enhance a presentation if properly used. And significantly detract from it if improperly used.
It is normal for each person to have his or her individual style for using slides. Such individuality often adds to the effectiveness of the presentation; however excessive individuality damages clarity and comprehension, putting effectiveness at risk.
Fortunately, this problem can be easily resolved. By recognizing and applying three fundamental principles of slide presentations, you can make "death by PowerPoint" completely disappear.
Fundamental Principles of Slide Presentations
1. Use the slides; don't be controlled by them
It is important to recognize that slides are a visual aid. And the most important part of this term is "aid". Too many speakers seem to believe that if they show enough slides, their presentation will automatically be successful.
The opposite is true. No matter how good the slides, if they assume center stage, the presentation will almost certainly be less effective than it could be.
2. Show that you are in charge
Keep in mind that the greatest visual aid is YOU. People come to hear what you have to say because they believe that you have something important to impart to them. So they want to see you, hear your voice, and watch your facial expressions, and observe body movements in order to better understand and evaluate your ideas and information.
If you start your presentation by immediately turning off the lights, and keep them off until the presentation is finished, it is almost as if you are not there. It would be easier and more convenient for everyone just to send the audience the presentation as a videocassette or DVD for them to play at their leisure.
3. Present a "win-win" situation
To be truly effective, slides must:
• Help the speaker deliver a better presentation
• Help the audience better understand the presentation
It is not a question of either/or. The speaker and the audience must both benefit; otherwise, neither one will. This means that you must deliver a good presentation both in terms of content and slides.
It is generally a good idea to prepare the first draft of your presentation without any slides, then return to your text to see where slides are really needed. This will ensure that you do not drown the audience in slides - and that each slide is truly useful.
If you take these three fundamental principles fully on board, you are already well on your way to an effective presentation. Here are a few practical suggestions to make your inherently good presentation even better.
A. Use build-up slides
Let’s try an experiment. Open a newspaper or magazine to any page. Keep looking at it, but try not to read anything on the page. It is virtually impossible. The moment the eye is confronted with text, there is a natural urge to read it.
Putting too much text on a slide has the same effect. The speaker may expect the audience to pay attention only to the part of the text he is talking about and ignore the rest. In reality, while the speaker is talking about the text at the top, the audience will almost certainly be reading the text below.
The result is significant loss of attention. Since attention ensures better comprehension, using text-heavy slides is detrimental to speakers and listeners alike.
To maintain attention, introduce text gradually, not all at once.
In the days of 35 mm and overhead transparencies, this was achieved by using “build-up slides”. For example, instead of showing five bullet points on a single slide, the speaker prepared six sides. The first slide showed only the title; the rest of the screen was left empty. The next one showed the title plus bullet point 1; the rest of the screen was left empty. The next slide showed the title plus bullet points 1 and 2. The same was done for each succeeding slide. It was only on the last slide that the full text (general statement + bullet points) became visible.
Producing six slides was of course considerably more expensive than producing only one. But it was also considerably more effective.
You should use the same technique with computer-generated slides. There is essentially no additional cost. Moreover, you can use animation to highlight each new bullet point as it appears on the screen in order to reinforce its importance. For example:
Slide 1
Slide 2
• First bullet point
Slide 3
• First bullet point
• Second bullet point
Slide 4
• First bullet point
• Second bullet point
• Third bullet point
And so on.
Illustrated slides such as diagrams, flow charts, etc., work essentially the same way. Introduce the illustration piece by piece so that the audience will not be drawn to one part of the image while you are talking about another. There are three possible variations to this approach.
1. Introduce the illustration piece by piece, with commentary, until the illustration is complete
2. Show the full illustration to give an overview. Then re-introduce it piece by piece, with commentary, until it is complete.
3. Show the full illustration to give an overview. Then re-introduce it piece by piece, with commentary, until it is complete. However, occasionally revert to the overview to remind the audience of where the piece-by-piece build up is leading.
Read the Text to the Audience
Another common mistake is for the speaker to continue talking while the audience is reading. Once again, this results in significant loss of attention.
The remedy is quite simple. The speaker should read the slide aloud to the audience. This ensures that:
• The attention of the listeners is first focused totally on the text.
• Next, it is focused totally on the speaker.
If the speaker reads the slide aloud, the audience is not forced to do two things at the same time: reading the slide while trying to listening to the commentary. Attention is maintained, and everyone benefits.
B. Use your laser pointer correctly
My bĂȘte noire (black beast) is in fact red. It is the horrendous way many speakers use their laser pointers. Like old-fashioned stick pointers, lasers should be used to:
• Help the audience identify and better understand the importance of key words and phrases in text slides.
• Help the audience identify and better understand the importance of key elements in photos, drawings, diagrams, flow charts, and other illustrations.
Pointing is all that is necessary. Don’t keep circling key words or visual elements. Don’t keep swinging the laser beam back and forth across the screen. The eye will naturally follow these movements. Since they add nothing to the presentation, they subtract from it.
The best way to avoid making these damaging gestures is by using the pointer as name implies. Just point to identify the key word or element you want to talk about, then turn it off. When you want to point to something else, simply turn it on again.
C. Pace your slides
Slides support what the speaker is saying. Therefore, they should:
• Appear on the screen only when needed.
• Stay on the screen only as long as needed.
The first point is obvious. You don’t want to show a slide before you are ready to talk about it. And of course hardly anyone ever does this.
Immediately removing the slide from the screen when it is no longer needed apparently is less obvious. Many speakers leave a slide on the screen while they talk about something else just to have something there until they are ready for the next one. Worse, they create “filler slides” they don’t really need just to have something there.
Both tactics damage the presentation. As long as something is on the screen, the eye will be attracted to it. This significantly reduces attention on what the speaker is saying, and so hurt comprehension.
When you don’t really need a slide, don’t show one. Either leave the screen blank or project a soft background color until the next slide is needed. Don't project a logo or any other illustration, which can only serve as a distraction.
If it will be several minutes before the next slide, turn the lights up so the audience can see who is talking to them. Remember, you are the star of the show, not the slides.
Properly used, slides can significantly boost the interest and effectiveness of a presentation. Poorly used, they can significantly damage a presentation. It takes only slightly more effort to do it well than to do it poorly. You owe to yourself and your audience to make this minor investment for this major return.
About Meditation to Improve Mental and Physical Health
Meditation is a group of mental training techniques. You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacities, for spiritual development, to improve your motivation for your goals and also to help improve the physical health. Some of these techniques are very simple, so you can learn them from a book or an article; others require guidance by a qualified meditation teacher.
Most techniques called meditation include these components:
1. You sit or lie in a relaxed position with closed eyes.
2. You breathe regularly. You breathe in deep enough to get enough oxygen. When you breathe out, you relax your muscles so that your lungs are well emptied, but without straining.
3. You stop thinking about everyday problems and matters.
4. You concentrate your thoughts upon some sound, some word you repeat, some image, some abstract concept or some feeling. Your whole attention should be pointed at the object you have chosen to concentrate upon.
5. If some foreign thoughts creep in, you just stop this foreign thought, and go back to the object of meditation.
The different meditation techniques differ according to the degree of concentration, and how foreign thoughts are handled. By some techniques, the objective is to concentrate so intensely that no foreign thoughts occur at all.
In other techniques, the concentration is more relaxed so that foreign thoughts easily pop up. When these foreign thoughts are discovered, one stops these and goes back to the pure meditation in a relaxed manner. Thoughts coming up, will often be about things you have forgotten or suppressed, and allow you to rediscover hidden memory material. This rediscovery will have a psychotherapeutic effect.
Meditation has the following effects:
1. Meditation will reduce stress and give you rest and recreation.
2. You learn to relax.
3. You learn to concentrate better on problem solving.
4. Meditation often has a good effect upon the blood pressure.
5. Meditation has beneficial effects upon inner body processes, like circulation, respiration and digestion.
6. Regular meditation will have a psychotherapeutically effect.
7. Regular meditation will facilitate the immune system.
8. Meditation is usually pleasant.
Hypnosis may have some of the same relaxing and psychotherapeutic effects as meditation. However, when you meditate you are in control yourself; by hypnosis you let some other person or some mechanical device control you. Also hypnosis will not have a training effect upon the ability to concentrate.
Here is a simple form of meditation. By this meditation technique, you should concentrate in an easy manner. This will allow foreign thoughts to pop up. These are handled one by one as they appear. You proceed as follows:
1. Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position.
2. Close your eyes and relax all your muscles as well as you can.
3. Stop thinking about anything, or at least try not to think about anything.
4. Breath out, relaxing all the muscles in your breathing apparatus.
5. Repeat the following in 10 - 20 minutes:
-- Breath in so deep that you feel you get enough oxygen.
-- Breath out, relaxing your chest and diaphragm completely.
-- Every time you breathe out, think the word "one" or another simple word inside yourself. You should think the word in a prolonged manner, and so that you hear it inside you, but you should try to avoid using your mouth or voice.
6. If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat.
As you proceed through this meditation, you should feel steadily more relaxed in your mind and body, feel that you breathe steadily more effectively, and that the blood circulation throughout your body gets more efficient. You may also feel an increasing mental pleasure throughout the meditation.
As any kind of training, meditation may be exaggerated so that you get tired and worn out. Therefore you should not meditate so long or so concentrated that you feel tired or mentally emptied.
Meditation may sometimes give problems for people suffering from mental diseases, epilepsy, serious heart problems or neurological diseases. On the other hand, meditation may be of help in the treatment of these and other conditions.
People suffering from such conditions should check out what effects the different kinds of meditation have on their own kind of health problems, before beginning to practise meditation, and be cautious if they choose to begin to meditate. It may be wise to learn meditation from an experienced teacher, psychologist or health worker that use meditation as a treatment module for the actual disease.
Most techniques called meditation include these components:
1. You sit or lie in a relaxed position with closed eyes.
2. You breathe regularly. You breathe in deep enough to get enough oxygen. When you breathe out, you relax your muscles so that your lungs are well emptied, but without straining.
3. You stop thinking about everyday problems and matters.
4. You concentrate your thoughts upon some sound, some word you repeat, some image, some abstract concept or some feeling. Your whole attention should be pointed at the object you have chosen to concentrate upon.
5. If some foreign thoughts creep in, you just stop this foreign thought, and go back to the object of meditation.
The different meditation techniques differ according to the degree of concentration, and how foreign thoughts are handled. By some techniques, the objective is to concentrate so intensely that no foreign thoughts occur at all.
In other techniques, the concentration is more relaxed so that foreign thoughts easily pop up. When these foreign thoughts are discovered, one stops these and goes back to the pure meditation in a relaxed manner. Thoughts coming up, will often be about things you have forgotten or suppressed, and allow you to rediscover hidden memory material. This rediscovery will have a psychotherapeutic effect.
Meditation has the following effects:
1. Meditation will reduce stress and give you rest and recreation.
2. You learn to relax.
3. You learn to concentrate better on problem solving.
4. Meditation often has a good effect upon the blood pressure.
5. Meditation has beneficial effects upon inner body processes, like circulation, respiration and digestion.
6. Regular meditation will have a psychotherapeutically effect.
7. Regular meditation will facilitate the immune system.
8. Meditation is usually pleasant.
Hypnosis may have some of the same relaxing and psychotherapeutic effects as meditation. However, when you meditate you are in control yourself; by hypnosis you let some other person or some mechanical device control you. Also hypnosis will not have a training effect upon the ability to concentrate.
Here is a simple form of meditation. By this meditation technique, you should concentrate in an easy manner. This will allow foreign thoughts to pop up. These are handled one by one as they appear. You proceed as follows:
1. Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position.
2. Close your eyes and relax all your muscles as well as you can.
3. Stop thinking about anything, or at least try not to think about anything.
4. Breath out, relaxing all the muscles in your breathing apparatus.
5. Repeat the following in 10 - 20 minutes:
-- Breath in so deep that you feel you get enough oxygen.
-- Breath out, relaxing your chest and diaphragm completely.
-- Every time you breathe out, think the word "one" or another simple word inside yourself. You should think the word in a prolonged manner, and so that you hear it inside you, but you should try to avoid using your mouth or voice.
6. If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat.
As you proceed through this meditation, you should feel steadily more relaxed in your mind and body, feel that you breathe steadily more effectively, and that the blood circulation throughout your body gets more efficient. You may also feel an increasing mental pleasure throughout the meditation.
As any kind of training, meditation may be exaggerated so that you get tired and worn out. Therefore you should not meditate so long or so concentrated that you feel tired or mentally emptied.
Meditation may sometimes give problems for people suffering from mental diseases, epilepsy, serious heart problems or neurological diseases. On the other hand, meditation may be of help in the treatment of these and other conditions.
People suffering from such conditions should check out what effects the different kinds of meditation have on their own kind of health problems, before beginning to practise meditation, and be cautious if they choose to begin to meditate. It may be wise to learn meditation from an experienced teacher, psychologist or health worker that use meditation as a treatment module for the actual disease.
Effects and Benefits of Meditation
There are many health benefits of meditation. Simply by meditating on a regular basis you can improve your physical and mental health.
It sounds too easy to be true. So what’s the catch? Can anyone gain the health and physical benefits of meditation?
Quite simply, meditating on a regular basis helps you to quiet your mind. You’ll know when you reach this quiet spot as everything takes on a calmness that isn’t necessarily there in your day to day life.
You can use your meditation sessions to concentrate on one particular part of your body. When you concentrate your mind, you will start to feel the health benefits of meditation work their way through into whichever part of your body you are concentrating on. Amazing as it may sound, simply concentrating on one part of your body will increase the flow of blood (and therefore oxygen and other vital nutrients) to that body part.
Meditation is a process of emptying out accumulated clutter of the mind by quieting and stilling the flow of thought. The Hindu yogis of India developed it more than two thousand years ago. They succeeded in mapping the auric or subtle body, and divided it into seven centers known as the chakras. The auric body is the energy field associated with the physical body that is not ordinarily visible and the energy itself is known as the “aura.” There are various meditations designed to make meditators aware of their auric body to cleanse it of all negativity and enable complete well-being. There are various benefits attached to meditation, ranging from the ordinary to the miraculous. The benefits of meditation can be availed of by anyone who decides to practice this art.
Breathing exercises are great and can be done almost anywhere. Simply take a deep breath in and then slowly exhale out. The key is to only think about your breathing and not let external thoughts enter your mind. This can be tough at first as it is easy to get distracted but if you do find other thoughts entering your mind then simply return your mental focus on your breathing. The idea is to quiet the mind and reach that peaceful state of a silent mind that offers many benefits including stress reduction.
There are many types of meditation practices you can choose from and it can get quite complex. Chakra mediation is a popular meditative practice. Our health is founded upon a relationship between body, mind and spirit – and the wellness of each part – and the physical body itself is only one component in the overall equation of well-being. This principle of holistics recognises that a stress free and happy mind and a blossoming spiritual life are major factors in our physical health. Just as stress and negative emotions silently erode our life force, so too the practice of meditation releases a new and positive life force – borne of inspiration, happiness, peace – into every part of our existence, creating the optimum conditions for vitality and health.
Other useful forms of meditation include zen meditation and guided meditation. People that suffer from stress can benefit greatly from meditation as it can be very effective at reducing stress as well as helping you to develop greater mental clarity and focus. Consider meditation as a daily part of your life to help you live healthier and longer.
It sounds too easy to be true. So what’s the catch? Can anyone gain the health and physical benefits of meditation?
Quite simply, meditating on a regular basis helps you to quiet your mind. You’ll know when you reach this quiet spot as everything takes on a calmness that isn’t necessarily there in your day to day life.
You can use your meditation sessions to concentrate on one particular part of your body. When you concentrate your mind, you will start to feel the health benefits of meditation work their way through into whichever part of your body you are concentrating on. Amazing as it may sound, simply concentrating on one part of your body will increase the flow of blood (and therefore oxygen and other vital nutrients) to that body part.
Meditation is a process of emptying out accumulated clutter of the mind by quieting and stilling the flow of thought. The Hindu yogis of India developed it more than two thousand years ago. They succeeded in mapping the auric or subtle body, and divided it into seven centers known as the chakras. The auric body is the energy field associated with the physical body that is not ordinarily visible and the energy itself is known as the “aura.” There are various meditations designed to make meditators aware of their auric body to cleanse it of all negativity and enable complete well-being. There are various benefits attached to meditation, ranging from the ordinary to the miraculous. The benefits of meditation can be availed of by anyone who decides to practice this art.
Breathing exercises are great and can be done almost anywhere. Simply take a deep breath in and then slowly exhale out. The key is to only think about your breathing and not let external thoughts enter your mind. This can be tough at first as it is easy to get distracted but if you do find other thoughts entering your mind then simply return your mental focus on your breathing. The idea is to quiet the mind and reach that peaceful state of a silent mind that offers many benefits including stress reduction.
There are many types of meditation practices you can choose from and it can get quite complex. Chakra mediation is a popular meditative practice. Our health is founded upon a relationship between body, mind and spirit – and the wellness of each part – and the physical body itself is only one component in the overall equation of well-being. This principle of holistics recognises that a stress free and happy mind and a blossoming spiritual life are major factors in our physical health. Just as stress and negative emotions silently erode our life force, so too the practice of meditation releases a new and positive life force – borne of inspiration, happiness, peace – into every part of our existence, creating the optimum conditions for vitality and health.
Other useful forms of meditation include zen meditation and guided meditation. People that suffer from stress can benefit greatly from meditation as it can be very effective at reducing stress as well as helping you to develop greater mental clarity and focus. Consider meditation as a daily part of your life to help you live healthier and longer.
Meditation to put an end to your problems
Nowadays, there is a huge list of problems in everyone’s life such as marital problems, financial problems, lack of job satisfaction, health problems and inflation to name a few. Sometimes dealing with all these problems at the same time becomes very difficult for an ordinary person. For, after all we are human beings only and we have our limitations in dealing with these problems single handedly. When we are down we reach to god by visiting a temple and praying to god to give us strength to deal with these problems in a better way. We do so because of two reasons, number one we visit temple because we think that god abodes in temple, number two, we pray because we are suffering.
This is not acceptable because if you are religious you should pray regularly to stay connected to god. If you will pray to god only when you are suffering from problems in your life it is nothing but meeting your selfishness. You are seeking blessing of god because you have adversities in your life. It means that it is not important for you to stay connected to god at other times when you are free from problems in your life. This is not done as far as reaching closer to god is concerned, in other words, your act is just not enough and shameful to some extent. The bets way to reach closer to is by becoming a spiritual person.
In contemporary hectic life, we tend to get very tired at the end of the day both physically and mentally. It is very important to relax mind and body for the benefit of your health. But due to numerous issues revolving in our mind at all the times we find it difficult to relax our mind by sleeping. To overcome this problem and to relax your mind one should learn meditation. Apart from relaxing your mind meditation enables you to experience spirituality. Osho, defined a number of active meditation techniques which are easy to learn and helps you improve your awareness and concentration.
The idea is to search for god within you as god resides inside every living being. Thus, your search for god should begin from you only. God is represented by your soul which is unique for every individual. So, to reach closer to god you are required to discover your soul which however is another difficult task for you. If you can manage to build a close connection with your souls all the problems which are disturbing your life will go away automatically. This is because the only way to reach out to your soul is by cleaning your mind of unwanted thoughts which are root cause of your problems.
And there is no other way to get rid of your thoughts than meditation which is aimed at improving your concentration and silencing your mind. When you are learning meditation through traditional techniques you are suppose to focus on your breath. When you exhale you will feel warm air leaving your body and when you will inhale you will fell the cold air entering your body through your nostrils and throat. There are people who find it difficult to learn meditation through breathing exercise for these people there exist other techniques such as tai chi and modern meditation technique known as active meditation introduced by famous spiritual leader Rajneesh Osho.
This is not acceptable because if you are religious you should pray regularly to stay connected to god. If you will pray to god only when you are suffering from problems in your life it is nothing but meeting your selfishness. You are seeking blessing of god because you have adversities in your life. It means that it is not important for you to stay connected to god at other times when you are free from problems in your life. This is not done as far as reaching closer to god is concerned, in other words, your act is just not enough and shameful to some extent. The bets way to reach closer to is by becoming a spiritual person.
In contemporary hectic life, we tend to get very tired at the end of the day both physically and mentally. It is very important to relax mind and body for the benefit of your health. But due to numerous issues revolving in our mind at all the times we find it difficult to relax our mind by sleeping. To overcome this problem and to relax your mind one should learn meditation. Apart from relaxing your mind meditation enables you to experience spirituality. Osho, defined a number of active meditation techniques which are easy to learn and helps you improve your awareness and concentration.
The idea is to search for god within you as god resides inside every living being. Thus, your search for god should begin from you only. God is represented by your soul which is unique for every individual. So, to reach closer to god you are required to discover your soul which however is another difficult task for you. If you can manage to build a close connection with your souls all the problems which are disturbing your life will go away automatically. This is because the only way to reach out to your soul is by cleaning your mind of unwanted thoughts which are root cause of your problems.
And there is no other way to get rid of your thoughts than meditation which is aimed at improving your concentration and silencing your mind. When you are learning meditation through traditional techniques you are suppose to focus on your breath. When you exhale you will feel warm air leaving your body and when you will inhale you will fell the cold air entering your body through your nostrils and throat. There are people who find it difficult to learn meditation through breathing exercise for these people there exist other techniques such as tai chi and modern meditation technique known as active meditation introduced by famous spiritual leader Rajneesh Osho.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yoga: A Beneficial Exercising Regimen
Yoga is an ancient proven tradition that exists for thousands of years and also one of the most ancient cultural heritages in India. The word yoga means, "to unite". But it does not only mean contemplation but also communion and yoking all powers of the body, mind and soul to God. It is a very ancient and efficient system of disciplines and controls designed to produce the integration of the body, mind and spirit. It also achieves higher states of awareness and self-realization by methodical efforts to attain perfection. Even at the workplace, yoga has become extremely popular in many companies, worldwide. Working eight hours a day, five to seven days a week is really stressing. And yoga can just be the answer to this. Yoga reduces stress. It improves flexibility and muscle tone, increases circulation, relieves chronic pain and alleviates anxiety-related disorders. Best of all, it cultivates physical awareness, refreshes your energy, and offers a little vacation from the everyday grind.
There are seven divisions of yoga. Hatha yoga is concerned primarily with the body and the asanas. Bhakti yoga focuses on the path of love and devotion. Mantra yoga has something to do with recitation and repetition of words and verses. Karma yoga is a service through action and work. Janan yoga is on the intellectual path. Raja yoga is a synthesis of Bhakti, Karma, and Janan. And Laya yoga is the secret path or known as the “Yoga of Dissolution”.
Yoga has many advantages over other methods of maintaining health, such as aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, games, and various other forms of exercise and is often described as the best form of health insurance for all from the age of seven to seventy seven or more because it has a lot to offer to everyone. The two main advantages of yoga are prevention of disorders and ailments and maintenance of health and fitness in daily life. Other advantages include supple joints, flexible muscles, relaxed and tension-free mind and efficiently working vital organs such as the heart, lungs, endocrine glands, liver, pancreas and good balance between various functions. When doing yoga, you will not need any costly equipment and materials, or playgrounds, gyms, etc. And you don’t have to worry when is the right time to do it because you can do yoga all throughout the year. It can also be practiced inside the house or in the open, just alone or if you want, in groups. The only thing you need is a thick carpet spread on the floor and covered with a clean sheet of cloth. Remember that yoga should only be practiced on empty stomach although you can do it at any time during the day.
Everyone can benefit from yoga. It will benefit you irrespective of whether you are young or old, lean or heavily built, highly educated or unlettered, rich or poor, from higher or lower middle class, busy, over busy, or retired or worker in the factory or in the field. However, this benefit may not be possible if one does not practice the correct technique of yoga or practice it irregularly. Yoga has a wide range of technique and this can fulfill needs in almost people especially those who really have the determination and the motivation to do the techniques in a regular basis. Yoga can fulfill this need irrespective of your work, or your lifestyle. This can help everyone play his or her roles more efficiently, more smoothly and more comfortably.
By: Michael Sanford
There are seven divisions of yoga. Hatha yoga is concerned primarily with the body and the asanas. Bhakti yoga focuses on the path of love and devotion. Mantra yoga has something to do with recitation and repetition of words and verses. Karma yoga is a service through action and work. Janan yoga is on the intellectual path. Raja yoga is a synthesis of Bhakti, Karma, and Janan. And Laya yoga is the secret path or known as the “Yoga of Dissolution”.
Yoga has many advantages over other methods of maintaining health, such as aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, games, and various other forms of exercise and is often described as the best form of health insurance for all from the age of seven to seventy seven or more because it has a lot to offer to everyone. The two main advantages of yoga are prevention of disorders and ailments and maintenance of health and fitness in daily life. Other advantages include supple joints, flexible muscles, relaxed and tension-free mind and efficiently working vital organs such as the heart, lungs, endocrine glands, liver, pancreas and good balance between various functions. When doing yoga, you will not need any costly equipment and materials, or playgrounds, gyms, etc. And you don’t have to worry when is the right time to do it because you can do yoga all throughout the year. It can also be practiced inside the house or in the open, just alone or if you want, in groups. The only thing you need is a thick carpet spread on the floor and covered with a clean sheet of cloth. Remember that yoga should only be practiced on empty stomach although you can do it at any time during the day.
Everyone can benefit from yoga. It will benefit you irrespective of whether you are young or old, lean or heavily built, highly educated or unlettered, rich or poor, from higher or lower middle class, busy, over busy, or retired or worker in the factory or in the field. However, this benefit may not be possible if one does not practice the correct technique of yoga or practice it irregularly. Yoga has a wide range of technique and this can fulfill needs in almost people especially those who really have the determination and the motivation to do the techniques in a regular basis. Yoga can fulfill this need irrespective of your work, or your lifestyle. This can help everyone play his or her roles more efficiently, more smoothly and more comfortably.
By: Michael Sanford
3 Major Mistakes in Public Speaking & the Tips
1. The audience will listen because I'm a subject matter expert and what I have to say is interesting.This is probably one of the most frequent mistakes made by speakers. We all like to think that we know our stuff, and many people do. But that alone will not engage your audience. Albert Mehrebian the US Educational Psychologist's research demonstrated that only 7... This is worrying for subject matter experts. You could prepare for weeks, select the best words and key messages, you could have the best introduction, middle section and ending than any speaker on the bill, but your impact could be negligible. A few year's ago I became a school governor and as such, I was offered training sessions by my local Education Authority. The general standard of the 2 hour presentations was good. One evening, the guest speaker, a man who had worked in education all his life with a career that spanned being a headmaster, Ofsted inspector and a senior role in the Ministry of Education and Science; what this fellow didn't know about the history of secondary education was not worth knowing. However, he ended every sentence with a pronounced hmmmmmmmmm. Imagine that 6 times per minute, for two hours.... I nearly lost the will to live.
Tip - Listen and react to feedback from your colleagues. I'm certain that over the course of this fellow's long and distinguished career, many people must have mentioned his verbal mannerisms. If your company culture prohibits you from giving constructive feedback, seek professional help. Advice from consultants is more likely to be accepted because it is seen to be given objectively.
2. Speaking too fast.Nervous and inexperienced speakers always remind me of the 100 metres sprint. They hear the gun, they're out of the blocks fast and they can't wait to get it over with. This is not unusual - it is the normal reaction to any potentially stressful situation. Let's close our eyes, do it, and get it over with. It's a bit like going to the dentist. However, some speakers do not even devote themselves to such minimal preparation.
Tip - for each minute of your speech, spend ten minutes of preparation on it. Watch yourself on video and ask yourself if you're delivering too fast.
3. Keep it short and simple and always leave them wanting more. The best way to maintain the attention of an audience is to start with a gripping opening, develop a maximum of three themes or key messages, and conclude with a message that pulls the introduction and key messages together with impact. An experienced speaker can make this look simple and seamless, but we're looking at perhaps 0.001 of what an audience remember is down to the effective use of tonal variety. A massive 55% relates to your body language. If you send a mixed message, don't be surprised if the message is dropped. A key factor in any speech or presentation is simply this:
Tip - It's not what you say. It's the way that you say it.
Scenario 1: You're trying to find the channel with the live football. Suddenly, your wife sitting in the opposite armchair says, ‘Do you love me?' You continue flicking through the channels, you don't look back at her and you eventually say the words, ‘Of course, I love you.'Scenario 2: You're trying to find the channel with the live football. Suddenly, your wife sitting in the opposite armchair says, ‘Do you love me?'You stop flicking through the channels with the remote and put it down. You walk across the room and take your wife by the hand, gently and sincerely you look her in the eyes, caress her cheek and say, ‘Of course, I love you.'Notice that the same words are used, but which do you think conveys the stronger message?
Tip - Listen and react to feedback from your colleagues. I'm certain that over the course of this fellow's long and distinguished career, many people must have mentioned his verbal mannerisms. If your company culture prohibits you from giving constructive feedback, seek professional help. Advice from consultants is more likely to be accepted because it is seen to be given objectively.
2. Speaking too fast.Nervous and inexperienced speakers always remind me of the 100 metres sprint. They hear the gun, they're out of the blocks fast and they can't wait to get it over with. This is not unusual - it is the normal reaction to any potentially stressful situation. Let's close our eyes, do it, and get it over with. It's a bit like going to the dentist. However, some speakers do not even devote themselves to such minimal preparation.
Tip - for each minute of your speech, spend ten minutes of preparation on it. Watch yourself on video and ask yourself if you're delivering too fast.
3. Keep it short and simple and always leave them wanting more. The best way to maintain the attention of an audience is to start with a gripping opening, develop a maximum of three themes or key messages, and conclude with a message that pulls the introduction and key messages together with impact. An experienced speaker can make this look simple and seamless, but we're looking at perhaps 0.001 of what an audience remember is down to the effective use of tonal variety. A massive 55% relates to your body language. If you send a mixed message, don't be surprised if the message is dropped. A key factor in any speech or presentation is simply this:
Tip - It's not what you say. It's the way that you say it.
Scenario 1: You're trying to find the channel with the live football. Suddenly, your wife sitting in the opposite armchair says, ‘Do you love me?' You continue flicking through the channels, you don't look back at her and you eventually say the words, ‘Of course, I love you.'Scenario 2: You're trying to find the channel with the live football. Suddenly, your wife sitting in the opposite armchair says, ‘Do you love me?'You stop flicking through the channels with the remote and put it down. You walk across the room and take your wife by the hand, gently and sincerely you look her in the eyes, caress her cheek and say, ‘Of course, I love you.'Notice that the same words are used, but which do you think conveys the stronger message?
5 Tips for Public Speaking
The presenter reaches the head of the room and takes a seat at a table in a way that people at the back barely can see and hear him,as he begin with a paper in his hand and with a soft have to struggle to hardly understand the gist of his topic.long sentences,miserable metaphors filled with time goes by,your resistance start to shrink and shrink till it vanishes then and only then, you fall asleep.Now,the question that we have to ask ourselves is whether we want our audiences to experience what is described above ? rather,what would you expect out of them when they live the miserable moment as our friend lived?
Of course,nobody wants to even think about you ? well,the reason why I dedicate this article is to tackle this problem before your next presentation opportunity.I have gathered for you some proven techniques that will brighten you as a speaker and leave the audience ruptured toward your performance.too good to be true? Let’s dive right in and see ...
1)Do you know that you can impress your audience significantly even before you utter a word? YES you can do so through your body movement.before you speak or make any contact with them,take your full time to set up properly and confidently as it sends a burning and aflamed message that you are the right guy to stand up there and no one this particular moment,make sure the stage is organized in a way that suits your needs,put your notes together so that they are easily accessible and prepare your individual equipement.
2)Let the power of first impressions astonish the audience as it strengthens your appearance.make sure you found out what clothing is appropriate for the occasion.Just dress a bit more formally.this will be enough for them to understand that both the presentation and the audience are important to you.
3)As you know,body language consists of appearance,facial expressions,postures,movements,gestures and eye contact.perhaps,this latter is the most influential one among these components.You may heard the saying “the eyes are the windows of the soul” ,in our case, the eyes are our keys to get our message across efficiently and effectively.make sure to maintain a constant eye contact with all the viewers ranging from the front to the back,and from the left to the right.
4)As important as eye contact,facial expressions can make an enormous difference in the audience’s receptiveness.proper facial expressions invigorate the content of the can show your good intentions with a smile at the beginning and during the speech process.also express your perplexity, puzzlement and unpleasantness with the respective expressions.
5)Another influential factor in the speech-making process is the use of voice.It is crucial that one should varies his or her pitch,rate,volume and speed as he or she speaks for dynamism and lethargy avoidance sake.we use pitch to stress on the importance of a word and add emotions to it as the best way to boost the attractiveness of the additional factor to pay more attention to is the rate of speech,it includes the pause and the speed.use pause when you want to emphasis a thought that you have just uttered.
All in all, the success you will receive depends largely on whether you apply what is mentioned above or not.I guarantee that you will achieve more that you ever expected out of your presentations once you implement these strategies that the most skillful presenters all over the world are implementing to maximize there efforts.
by: DR. Simon Garmah
Of course,nobody wants to even think about you ? well,the reason why I dedicate this article is to tackle this problem before your next presentation opportunity.I have gathered for you some proven techniques that will brighten you as a speaker and leave the audience ruptured toward your performance.too good to be true? Let’s dive right in and see ...
1)Do you know that you can impress your audience significantly even before you utter a word? YES you can do so through your body movement.before you speak or make any contact with them,take your full time to set up properly and confidently as it sends a burning and aflamed message that you are the right guy to stand up there and no one this particular moment,make sure the stage is organized in a way that suits your needs,put your notes together so that they are easily accessible and prepare your individual equipement.
2)Let the power of first impressions astonish the audience as it strengthens your appearance.make sure you found out what clothing is appropriate for the occasion.Just dress a bit more formally.this will be enough for them to understand that both the presentation and the audience are important to you.
3)As you know,body language consists of appearance,facial expressions,postures,movements,gestures and eye contact.perhaps,this latter is the most influential one among these components.You may heard the saying “the eyes are the windows of the soul” ,in our case, the eyes are our keys to get our message across efficiently and effectively.make sure to maintain a constant eye contact with all the viewers ranging from the front to the back,and from the left to the right.
4)As important as eye contact,facial expressions can make an enormous difference in the audience’s receptiveness.proper facial expressions invigorate the content of the can show your good intentions with a smile at the beginning and during the speech process.also express your perplexity, puzzlement and unpleasantness with the respective expressions.
5)Another influential factor in the speech-making process is the use of voice.It is crucial that one should varies his or her pitch,rate,volume and speed as he or she speaks for dynamism and lethargy avoidance sake.we use pitch to stress on the importance of a word and add emotions to it as the best way to boost the attractiveness of the additional factor to pay more attention to is the rate of speech,it includes the pause and the speed.use pause when you want to emphasis a thought that you have just uttered.
All in all, the success you will receive depends largely on whether you apply what is mentioned above or not.I guarantee that you will achieve more that you ever expected out of your presentations once you implement these strategies that the most skillful presenters all over the world are implementing to maximize there efforts.
by: DR. Simon Garmah
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bing Yu - Andy Lau (pinyin lyric)
Wo shi zai deng dai yi ge nv hai
Hai shi zai deng dai chen lun ku hai
Yi duan qing mo mo guan gai
Mei you ren qu guan hua xie hua kai
Wu fa ken ding de ai Zuo you yao bai
Zhi hao ba xin suan wang shen xin li sai
Wo shi zai deng dai ni de hui lai
Nan dao zhi huan hui yi ju huo gai
Yi ge ren jing jing fa dai
Liang ge ren que you bu tong wu nai
Hao hao de yi fen ai a zen me hui man man bian huai
Leng leng de bing yu zai lian shang hu luan de pai
Nuan nuan de yan lei gen han yu hun cheng yi kuai
Yan qian de se cai Hu ran bei ying gai
Ni de ying zi wu qing zai shen bian pai huai
Ni jiu xiang yi ge kuai zi shou ba wo chu mai
Wo de xin fang fu bei ci dao hen hen de zai
Xuan ya shang de ai
Shei hui yuan yi jie shou zui tong de yi wai
Xuan ya shang de ai Shei hui gan qu cai
Hai shi yuan yi jie shou zui tong de yi wai
Zui ai de nv hai
See video (youtube)
Hai shi zai deng dai chen lun ku hai
Yi duan qing mo mo guan gai
Mei you ren qu guan hua xie hua kai
Wu fa ken ding de ai Zuo you yao bai
Zhi hao ba xin suan wang shen xin li sai
Wo shi zai deng dai ni de hui lai
Nan dao zhi huan hui yi ju huo gai
Yi ge ren jing jing fa dai
Liang ge ren que you bu tong wu nai
Hao hao de yi fen ai a zen me hui man man bian huai
Leng leng de bing yu zai lian shang hu luan de pai
Nuan nuan de yan lei gen han yu hun cheng yi kuai
Yan qian de se cai Hu ran bei ying gai
Ni de ying zi wu qing zai shen bian pai huai
Ni jiu xiang yi ge kuai zi shou ba wo chu mai
Wo de xin fang fu bei ci dao hen hen de zai
Xuan ya shang de ai
Shei hui yuan yi jie shou zui tong de yi wai
Xuan ya shang de ai Shei hui gan qu cai
Hai shi yuan yi jie shou zui tong de yi wai
Zui ai de nv hai
See video (youtube)
Xiang Si Cheng Zai - Andy Lau (pin yin lyric)
Duo shao meng sui feng er qu Shi chen da hai de shi ni
Ni dai lai hua de xiao xi Pian you diao ling Zhuan yan jiu cheng mi
Duo shao ai hua cheng chun ni Duan hong can lv Yu sheng zhong ting de jian wei qu
Jiu jing shi wo hai shi ni Ren xin fu qi jue qing duan yi
Ceng jing xin wu ai Qing ru hai Yin wei xiang ai rang bi ci cun zai
Ru jin feng bu lai Hua bu kai Sheng yi pian xiang si cheng zai
Zong zai ye wei yang Tian wei bai Deng zhe ai hong hong lie lie zou lai
Yu ni chong you xiang lian ru da di chu kai
Cong ran xin wu ai Qing ru hai Wei liao qing yuan zai xin zhong du bai
Zhi pan ye wu cai Ye bu guai Bu zai rang xiang si cheng zai
Yu ni chong you xiang lian ru da di chu kai
See video (youtube)
Ni dai lai hua de xiao xi Pian you diao ling Zhuan yan jiu cheng mi
Duo shao ai hua cheng chun ni Duan hong can lv Yu sheng zhong ting de jian wei qu
Jiu jing shi wo hai shi ni Ren xin fu qi jue qing duan yi
Ceng jing xin wu ai Qing ru hai Yin wei xiang ai rang bi ci cun zai
Ru jin feng bu lai Hua bu kai Sheng yi pian xiang si cheng zai
Zong zai ye wei yang Tian wei bai Deng zhe ai hong hong lie lie zou lai
Yu ni chong you xiang lian ru da di chu kai
Cong ran xin wu ai Qing ru hai Wei liao qing yuan zai xin zhong du bai
Zhi pan ye wu cai Ye bu guai Bu zai rang xiang si cheng zai
Yu ni chong you xiang lian ru da di chu kai
See video (youtube)
Tian Yi - Andy Lau (pin yin lyric)
Shei zai hu wo de xin li you duo ku
Shei zai yi wo de ming tian qu he chu
Zhe tiao lu jiu jing duo shao qi qu duo shao kan ke tu
Wo he ni zao yi mei you hui tou lu
Wo de ai cang bu zhu Ren ping shi jian wu qing de bai bu
Wo bu pa tong bu pa shu
Zhi pa shi zai duo nu li ye wu zhu
Ru guo shuo yi qie dou shi tian yi
Yi qie dou shi ming yun Zhong jiu yi zhu ding
Shi fou neng zai duo ai yi tian
Zai duo kan yi yan Shang hui shao yi dian
Ru guo shuo yi qie dou shi tian yi
Yi qie dou shi ming yun Shei ye tao bu li
Wu qing wu ai ci sheng you he bi
Wu qing wu ai ci sheng wo ren ming
See video (youtube)
Shei zai yi wo de ming tian qu he chu
Zhe tiao lu jiu jing duo shao qi qu duo shao kan ke tu
Wo he ni zao yi mei you hui tou lu
Wo de ai cang bu zhu Ren ping shi jian wu qing de bai bu
Wo bu pa tong bu pa shu
Zhi pa shi zai duo nu li ye wu zhu
Ru guo shuo yi qie dou shi tian yi
Yi qie dou shi ming yun Zhong jiu yi zhu ding
Shi fou neng zai duo ai yi tian
Zai duo kan yi yan Shang hui shao yi dian
Ru guo shuo yi qie dou shi tian yi
Yi qie dou shi ming yun Shei ye tao bu li
Wu qing wu ai ci sheng you he bi
Wu qing wu ai ci sheng wo ren ming
See video (youtube)
Wang Qing Shui - Andy Lau (pin yin lyric)
Ceng jing nian shao ai zhui meng Yi xin zhi xiang wang qian fei
Xing bian qian shan he wan shui Yi lu zuo lai bu neng hui
Mo ran hui shou qing yi yuan Shen bu you ji zai tian bian
Cai ming bai ai hen qing chou Zui shang zui tong shi hou hui
Ru guo ni bu ceng xin sui Ni bu hui dong de wo shang bei
Dang wo yan zhong you lei Bie wen wo shi wei shei
Jiu rang wo wang le zhe yi qie
A Gei wo yi bei wang qing shui
Huan wo yi ye bu liu lei
Suo you zhen xin zhen yi Ren ta yu da feng chui
Fu chu de ai shou bu hui
A Gei wo yi bei wang qing shui
Huan wo yi sheng bu shang bei
Jiu suan wo hui he zui Jiu suan wo hui xin sui
Bu hui kan jian wo liu lei
See video (youtube)
Xing bian qian shan he wan shui Yi lu zuo lai bu neng hui
Mo ran hui shou qing yi yuan Shen bu you ji zai tian bian
Cai ming bai ai hen qing chou Zui shang zui tong shi hou hui
Ru guo ni bu ceng xin sui Ni bu hui dong de wo shang bei
Dang wo yan zhong you lei Bie wen wo shi wei shei
Jiu rang wo wang le zhe yi qie
A Gei wo yi bei wang qing shui
Huan wo yi ye bu liu lei
Suo you zhen xin zhen yi Ren ta yu da feng chui
Fu chu de ai shou bu hui
A Gei wo yi bei wang qing shui
Huan wo yi sheng bu shang bei
Jiu suan wo hui he zui Jiu suan wo hui xin sui
Bu hui kan jian wo liu lei
See video (youtube)
Wo De Xin Zhi Ke Rong Na Ni - Andy Lau (pin yin lyric)
Zhe tu di Wan wu bu bian de yi yang zai hu xi
Zong ran shi ri zai tui yi
Zhe tu di Xiang chuan er guo shui wu hen ji
Yin cang qian yi ge hui yi Wo xiang qi ni
Ni shuo guo Hai jiao tian ya Ling ju li
Si nian jiu shi yuan dong li La jin ni wo de xin
Tian da di da ye zhi you ni
Suo yi wo Kan dao shen me zong hui xiang dao ni
Jue dui bu yong qu huai yi
Wo de xin zhi ke rong na yi ge ni
Zai zhe li Zai zhe li ke yi gan jue ni de xin
Si nian mu yu hua xiang li
Zai zhe li Zai zhe li zi ran de jue ding
Ai jiu xiang chuan liu bu xi Wo ji xu ai ni
chorus (2x)
Wo de xin zhi ke rong na yi ge ni (2x)
See video (youtube)
Zong ran shi ri zai tui yi
Zhe tu di Xiang chuan er guo shui wu hen ji
Yin cang qian yi ge hui yi Wo xiang qi ni
Ni shuo guo Hai jiao tian ya Ling ju li
Si nian jiu shi yuan dong li La jin ni wo de xin
Tian da di da ye zhi you ni
Suo yi wo Kan dao shen me zong hui xiang dao ni
Jue dui bu yong qu huai yi
Wo de xin zhi ke rong na yi ge ni
Zai zhe li Zai zhe li ke yi gan jue ni de xin
Si nian mu yu hua xiang li
Zai zhe li Zai zhe li zi ran de jue ding
Ai jiu xiang chuan liu bu xi Wo ji xu ai ni
chorus (2x)
Wo de xin zhi ke rong na yi ge ni (2x)
See video (youtube)
Chan Mian - Andy Lau (pin yin lyric)
Shuang shou qing qing peng zhe ni de lian Chui gan ni de lei yan
Meng hai you kong jian wo hai zai ni shen bian Bu ceng zou yuan
Ba ai dao jin ni de xin li mian Pei ni zui yi qian nian
Xing lai hou gan jue yi ru cong qian
Wo he ni he ming yun zhi jien Zhu ding liao bu neng gai bian
Wo de qing gan re qie wei xian
Duo kan ni yi yan jiu hui dian ran wo xin zhong
Wu fa pu mie de huo yan
Ai de yue shen yue nong yue chan mian
Hui bu hui rang tian hong le yan
Ai de yue shen yue nong yue chan mian
Bu wen you mei you ming tian
Ai de yue shen yue nong yue chan mian
Zai duo gei wo yi dian shi jian
Ai de yue shen yue nong yue chan mian
Neng bu neng zai jian ni zhe zui hou yi mian
See Video (youtube)
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